Anatomy of Bees

 Anatomy of Bees

Bees have actually got five eyes: 2 large for day time use which have hundreds of Lenses each. 3 small eyes on the top of their heads are for night time use, they are each a single lens.

Bees have 6 legs. When gathering pollen, they carry it on their legs, it is quite noticeable , little balls of yellow or orange or even light brown.

Bees have four wings, which are hooked together in pairs normally. But if they are upset, they unhook the wings for greater mobility, and then they are ready to sting. They make a different sound when their wings are unhooked and so the beekeeper knows, out of all the thousands of bees around him, which ones are aggressive and really trying to sting him.

A bee sting is like a needle with little barbs on it which prevent it coming back out of human flesh. All the barbs face back from the tip, letting it go in, not out. The end of the sting you see on your skin is a little pump which is still pumping when you have been stung, therefore, never squeeze the sting, just scratch off with a finger nail, fast as possible, so as not to get the full dose of poison.

The sting injects Formic Acid; which beekeepers will tell you, helps with arthritis. When a bees stings us, it dies, because the pump of the end of the sting is part of its stomach. Bees can sting each other again and again, the sting doesn’t get caught like in us.

People can be allergic to bee stings. If you think you have an allergic reaction Seek medical attention. Everyone swells at the site of the sting, that is normal. Don’t rub or scratch, this will aggravate the site, just cool with a cold cloth, or creams specifically for the purpose of easing bites and stings.